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The Sunday Boston Globe Magazine: The Green Crab Problem: Shall We Eat the Enemy?


Portland Press-Herald: Invasive Green Crabs Are Scuttling from Dilemma to Delicacy


Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) story about a New Hampshire chef: Crabuccino, anyone? Chef cooking up European green crab to help rid ocean of invasive species


MidCoast(Maine) Times-Record: The Green Crab Conundrum: Crustacean Invasion Could Lead to New Industry


Ipswich (MA) Chronicle: On the Menu: Green Crab




Heather Atwood's recipe for green crab taramosalata, along with an overview of green crabs' ecological effect on coastal waters. 




Culling green crabs in Venice, Italy to find molecante, or premolts. In Italian. You can fast-forward through this very quickly and get the idea.


Italian video footage of a green crab actually molting. You can fast-forward through this quickly, too. 



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